Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Au Revoir Là Haut

For the first time in 2013 goncourt price is really deserved
Prognosticators were right . Vying with three competitors - ? Jean- Philippe Toussaint , Karine Tuil and Frederick Orchard - ? , The favorite Pierre Lemaitre , used by booksellers for his novel Goodbye upstairs ( Albin Michel ) , won the Prix Goncourt , Monday, November 4 . In the twelfth ballot, he got 6 votes against 4 Frederick Orchard, author of Arden (Gallimard ) . Both novelists have long been a tie before Didier Decoin decides to change his vote.
At the edge of the centenary celebrations of the Great War , it is a novel about 14-18 and survival , after the armistice, the two survivors , including a disfigured face , who wears this season red ribbon. "We believe die for their country , one dies for industrial " indignant Anatole France in July 1922. This is the central theme Goodbye up there , which sheds light on the scandal of military exhumations , stifled by the government in 1922. Interweaving two events, one fictional, the other real and taking the suspense until the last page , the novelist masterfully composed fresco of post-war France , where impostors triumph and capitalists s ' enrich the ruins .


Goodbye upstairs marks the transition to the literature "white" a writer whose thrillers have been translated into twenty languages. This former teacher for local government officials became literature, at the age of 55, with Labour neat ( The Mask , 2006). During the film adaptation , the first survey of the commander Camille Verhoeven - ? the smallest inspector of police literature, 1 m 45 - ? obtained the price first novel Festival Cognac. Beautiful start to a story refused everywhere, then caught in extremis by Editions du Masque .

Ensued Dress Groom ( Calmann- Lévy, 2009) , Blood Price ink students , Black Frames ( Calmann- Lévy, 2010) , The Price Point of European crime fiction , Alex ( Albin Michel , 2011) , Readers' Choice Awards Book Pocket , International Dagger ... ? Raving about the quality of this thriller, the British newspaper The Times called Pierre Lemaitre of " new Stieg Larsson ", referring to the author of the trilogy "Millennium" .

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