Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Sixteen years after his death at the age of one hundred and two years old, Ernst Jünger returns with his unpublished notebooks 1914-1918 war . They are essential to understanding the author and discover a hitherto unknown facet of his personality. It is in his notebooks that Junger draw the necessary elements for writing one of the greatest war novels "Storm of Steel" . But here nothing is romanticized everything is raw , living day to day with an amazing description of the war in all its horror . Remained unpublished for a long time this book is an amazing tool life in the trench and the vision of the author who takes the war as a game, where the goal is to kill as many enemies as possible without hate . Wounded twenty times including last very seriously he will receive the highest German distinction the cross for merit and diversity will be exemplified by the Nazis who hated him . Junger still participate in the second mondale war in uniform allemenad a new experience that it will draw new newspapers.

The book contains a preface by Julien Hervier author of a great biography of the German most translated author in France, which appears today.

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